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Za danas toliko

Film Marka Đorđevića


Za danas toliko

Filmska bajka o srećnim ljudima

  • Vancouver, Sep 15
  • Toronto, Sep 21
  • Chicago, Sep 22
  • Ottawa, Nov 17

Sa engleskim titlom. / With English subtitle. 


Spremanjem omiljenih mu kolača – čupavaca, Šarenci uspevaju da namame najstarijeg brata da dođe kući. Vreme kao da prestaje da postoji i počinje bajka o srećnim ljudima. Naizgled obični letnji dani postaju neobični. Zaljubljeni u život, oni uzdižu realnost iznad tla, rasterujući tamne oblake vedrinom.

Rediteljska eksplikacija

Komadići i odlomci stvarnosti mešaju se sa bogatim unutrašnjim svetom naših junaka stvarajući atmosferu ovog filma, smeštenog negde između mašte i realnosti.
Budući da je filmska porodica Šarenac sastavljena od sve samih zanesenjaka, takav je i ton, pomalo uzdignut od zemlje i lepršav, stalno spreman na šalu i pesmu. To ne znači da teških i tužnih trenutaka nema, ali povezanost sa ljudima i životni optimizam ne daju im da u tmurnosti dugo ostanu.
Na nama je bilo da se “izdužimo i raširimo” u svim mogućim pravcima a realnost nas je vraćala i pokazivala koliko možemo. U trenucima kada su opruge stvarnosti pucale i kada nam se činilo da smo laki kao pero i visoko među oblacima, počeli smo da verujemo je moguće dostići i uhvatiti sreću, zgrabiti je i utisnuti u ovaj film da ostane tu zauvek. Ovo je naš film u vedrine. Ovo je film o ljubavi.



By baking his favorite dessert – coconut cubes, the siblings manage to lure their eldest brother back home. Time seems to cease to exist, and a tale of happy people unfolds. Seemingly ordinary summer days turn extraordinary. In love with life, they elevate reality above the ground, dispersing any and all dark clouds with their joyous spirit.

Director's statement

The pieces and quotes of reality blend with the rich inner world of our characters, creating the atmosphere of this film, situated somewhere between imagined and real.
As the Šarenac film family is composed of nothing but enthusiasts, so is the tone, somewhat elevated from the ground and lively, always ready for a joke and a song. This doesn’t mean that there are no difficult and sad moments, but their connection with people and life’s optimism prevent them from lingering in gloom for long.
It was up to us to “stretch and spread” in all possible directions, and reality kept bringing us back, showing us how much we can endure. In moments when the springs of reality were breaking, and it seemed like we were as light as a feather and high among the clouds, we began to believe that it is possible to reach and grasp happiness, to seize it and imprint it in this film to stay there forever. This is a film in the name of cheerfulness. This is a film about love.